Mobile Demonstrator

How to reach local projects, citizens and communities to produce, use and apply products and approaches based on circular carbon made from residual biomass? Within THREE C a mobile demonstrator was build within a sustainable “Tiny House” which hosts applications and technologies to show and experiment all process steps in a modular way.
It will demonstrate our start into a circular carbon economy in an applied citizen-science approach in combination with a mobile exhibition of a growing pool of circular carbon products.
THREE C stands for “Creating and sustaining Charcoal value chains to promote a Circular Carbon economy in NWE Europe”.
It aims at converting residual biomass in biogen carbon products, mainly based on biochar. We strongly believe that the conversion into biochar is one of the best solutions for carbon capturing and sequestration, thus to create CO2 reduction and even CO2 negative products, for instance for agriculture, gardening, environmental technique (filters) and building.
A cascade of process steps is necessary to achieve this:
- starting from cutting, harvesting and collection of suitable biomass,
- storing and conservation,
- pre-processing and processing
- Conversion into thermal energy, gas or biochar feedstock
- Further processing, development and design of circular carbon products
- Utilisation and application of these products



Fact Sheet
THREE C aims at the development and introduction of economically viable value chains based on charcoal raw materials from waste biomass in NWE.
The project is based on the predecessor project RE-DIRECT, which has shown that it is possible and sustainable to use charcoal as an alternative raw material for products in the agricultural, waste water, health and cosmetics industries.
The project will promote the development of high quality products and value chains based on charcoal raw materials in the participating regions in DE, BE, UK, IE, FR and NL in order to introduce a climate-friendly and sustainable Circular Carbon Economy in NWE.
The project is led by an interdisciplinary project team of universities, public institutions, business support and regional development agencies and experts in capacity building, investment and marketing.
During the project period:
- 7 regional Circular Carbon Hubs (CC-Hubs) will be established for product and business development and marketing, Circular Carbon-Labs (CC-Labs) will develop quality control mechanisms for tailor-made products and raw materials,
- 1 European umbrella organisation (CC-Net) provides business support, continuous vocational training and advice for SMEs in the new sector.
- 3 Investments for a mobile demonstration plant, a central prototype quality laboratory and a CC-Hub in a remote rural area will be realised.
IN 2022 and 2023 the demonstrator will be travelling through North-West Europe.
Target groups are citizens and local communities (e.g. gardening initiatives, energy and sustainable development initiatives and networks), companies, enterprises, educational and research institutes, investors and local/regional decision takers.
During these roadshows the THREE C mobile demonstrator will show all process steps from
- starting from cutting, harvesting and collection of suitable biomass,
- storing and conservation,
- pre-processing and processing,
- Conversion into thermal energy, gas or biochar feedstock,
- Further processing, development and design of circular carbon products to the
- Utilisation and application of these products
Within THREE C a mobile demonstrator was build within a sustainable “Tiny House” which hosts applications and technologies to show and experiment all process steps in a modular way.
It will demonstrate our start into a circular carbon economy in an applied citizen-science approach in combination with a mobile exhibition of a growing pool of circular carbon products.

Your turn!
Contact Person:
Dr Korbinian Kätzl